Readiness on the part of the proprietors entails that they have a properly setup learning platforms and should be easily accessible for all students to make use of, it should also be simplified and less frustrating to use.

Measures to Sustaining Online Learning during COVID-19

1. Readiness

a. Readiness on the part of the proprietors entails that they have a properly setup learning platforms and should be easily accessible for all students to make use of, it should also be simplified and less frustrating to use.  It is also essential to make available contact information, counseling and directives if any student needs to reach out.

b. Readiness on the part of the teachers: They must make out time to impact knowledge on the students; they must also try to see how they can maintain closer contact with students who have special needs.

c. Readiness on the part of the students: The student must make out time and follow a schedule as he or she will do if the schools were to be opened.

Measure to sustain  online learning during covid 19

2. Bond/Communication level

It is an undeniable fact that forming interpersonal bond is essential to the learning process; this mainly is applicable to teachers and students. It is therefore advisable that teachers in an online environment create, maintain and sustain communication bond with the class in various ways through channels like email, the school's online learning platform, class chat groups video, blogs, and other channels deemed fit to serve the purpose.

3. Guidelines Instruction

After establishing a unilateral working bond, it is very important for guidelines to be in an orderly manner as possible, the guidelines will aid them in arriving at a reasonable conclusion. There is the dear need also to ease offloads that come with too much difficulty.
Online lessons must be obvious and well structured, delivered in a manageable size, this will avail the excellent opportunity for students to practice things learned, and enable prospects for the teacher to see students' work and provide feedback on time via the feedback channel.

4.Course Content

After well-structured guidelines, there is a need for high-quality content that is appropriate to each learner's level of knowledge and understanding. It is pertinent that educators engage in a careful vetting, selection, and filtering of online materials and programs to ensure that students are working on the best materials applicable to their field of studies.

Measure to sustain  online learning during covid 19

It is also essential that every available content is not too difficult to understand, so the learner is not overwhelmed or left confused in the learning process. Remember, that textbooks are often well tied to the education syllabus, which has been prepared by experts in the field, reviewed by other experts in the same area, designed purposely to raise the bar for the learner, as they advance through different sections or chapters of the books. Most of these textbooks are readily available and easily accessible online for students at little or no cost at all.